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Natural Paracetamol-

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Do you know nature has provided us with abundance of healing herbs and flowers.India is blessed with such herbs and flowers and I think due to its climatic conditions.Today I want to make you aware of the natural paracetamol which a flower can provide us.Yes you read right-A flower and that's Butterfly Pea.This is a beautiful blue colour flower and in India it is also called Aprajita. It is also known as a magical flower as when you add citrus fruit like orange or lemon to the tea it turns to purple .Let me highlight the benefits of having a Blue tea everyday and then I shall share how to make it and when to consume it.

Benefits of Blue Tea:-

  1. Tea helps in weightloss if taken post meals.It can be taken thrice a day.

  2. It works as natural paracetamol if consumed in 200 to 400 ml water.

  3. It is beneficial for any kind of eye infection.Infused Butterfly pea flower can be used for washing eyes for instant relief.

  4. If taken in between meals like at 11:00 am,4:00 pm ,it combats the effect of diabetes.

  5. It is caffeine free and loaded with antioxidants so safe to consume .

  6. This Tea is very good for Heart health as it lowers bad cholestrol.

  7. It combats premature hair loss.So using a butterfly pea based shampoo would be beneficial.Link to buy

  8. Blue Tea is very effective against stress,anxiety and depression.

  9. It improves over all brain health

  10. As it is anti inflammatory it heals all sorts of pain and inflammation in the body.

  11. It can also be used for calming the itchy scalp by making a paste of fresh flowers.


1.Boil a big cup of water say around 200 ml and add 3 to 4 dried butterfly pea fowers to it .Let it steep for 1 minute, switch off gas and let it stay for another minute.

2. Strain the Tea and add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and voila!! Its ready to drink .


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